Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Color My Symptoms

I found it really hard to describe my progress in TSW at some points. I wanted to find a pattern and finding a pattern required gathering data...but most of the time, all I was really left with "better than yesterday" or "worse than yesterday." At some point, I started doing these:

Topical Steroid Usage
Dark Green: LOTS!
Lighter Green: Less
Topical Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms
September 2012 -- 4 Months Off TS

Red: Most Severe
Darker Pink: Medium
Light Pink: Low
During the summer of 2013 (mid-June to early-September), my skin was all clear and happy! Then the weather turned and although my skin was less happy, it was nowhere near as bad as before. 
Topical Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms
December 2013 --1 Year, 6 Months Off TS

Red: Most Severe
Darker Pink: Medium
Light Pink: Low
Topical Steroid Withdrawal Symptoms
Beginning of April 2014 -- 1 Year, 11 Months Off TS

Red: Most Severe
Darker Pink: Medium
Light Pink: Low

Barely pink, itches sometimes.

So that's where I currently am. The weather is starting to warm up and I'm already seeing improvements in those little spots that bothered me at the beginning of April. I have to be honest, though, I am anxious that this is going to be a lifelong trend of "winter :( summer :)" which I really don't want. I want year-round :) but I just will have to wait and see, I guess.

Also if you want your own coloring person, this is the one I used:

I found it off a Google search for coloring page people, then I just opened up MS Paint and colored it in. I wish I had done this monthly or weekly as it really helps me "gauge" and see the bigger picture.


  1. I used to draw these when I started TSW. I have a little diary at home with loads of them in. Great idea and thanks for sharing.

  2. Cute! thanks for sharing Brittany, glad to see u healing so well! winter just started in NZ for us have to see how it treats my skin. happy healing :)
